Friday, June 8, 2012

The Zoo

Dave loves to go to the zoo, and because he is working on Father's Day, we went today.  The girls seemed to like it, even though they didn't sleep well on the way there.  Catherine especially liked when the animals were at her level.  There was one bird in the Sonoran desert exhibit that kept running back and forth and had her captivated.


Samantha would look at the animals, but instead loved to just walk around and touch the plants.  Every time she came to a grate that went across the path she would bend down and touch it, then go slowly over it.  I think she thought it was a door jamb, like at Nana's house, and she didn't want to trip.  There were also circular grates that put out warm air, and they had a lot of fun standing on them.  It made their hair blow and their shirts puff out.


The ostrich was especially cool because it came so close to the side.  The lions and baboons and chimpanzees were also exciting, but I'm not sure how well the girls saw them, though we held them up.    I was so proud of them most of the day.  Lunch was a little hectic because they didn't want to sit anymore, and a lot of food ended up on the floor.  We let them get out and walk around as often as we could and they really had fun.  There was a lot of squealing in excitement.  For the most part they stayed close to us and listened when we called them back.  We were very proud of them for doing so well on such a long day.

Learning about lions
Catherine leads the way

Daddy shows them the gorillas

Just to keep Samantha close

This is what they look like when it is time to go home.

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