Thursday, June 28, 2012

Being big girls

The last two weeks (after my wisdom teeth were out) were wonderful.  I finally get to spend as much time with the girls as I want.  Though I have to say, if the days were more like yesterday I wouldn't like it, no one wanted to eat or sleep.  Mostly we hang out, dance, read, and play.  I also spend a lot of time making sure the girls don't feed Heidi.  They like to pick her food out of the bowl and bring it to me or give it to her.  Not the worst thing, they could eat it, but still not great.

Running around the duck pond at Duke Gardens

This was a lot of fun, it rocks like a boat.
 The girls have been working hard to be big girls, especially Catherine.  They like to feed themselves with forks. Catherine actually would rather eat this way than eat with her fingers.  Catherine also has tried on my shoes and carries them, and anything else with a strap, like a purse.  She makes the most ridiculous faces, I think simply because she knows they make me laugh.


They look so pretty in their dresses, though I didn't realize how white Catherine was until I put her in a black dress. Samantha likes to open drawers and get out ribbons and play with them.  Samantha is great at closing the drawers when she's done with them, and she even brings me things to throw out or put away, keeping things clean.  I wish she would do it with her books, they're everywhere!

Samantha being so studious.

Samantha and Nana

Catherine and Grandpa

They help me with the laundry.  Not the greatest thing I would have them do, but they are occupied and as long as it is stuff I haven't folded yet, no big deal.  We also played in the pool.  The first time Catherine was cold, so the second time we put her in a long sleeve suit but she was still shivering.  That is, she was shivering until she discovered the slide.  Then there was no taking her, or Samantha, out.


 Time to go inside!

1 comment:

  1. Such precious pictures! I can't wait to see them again!
