Friday, June 1, 2012

A day at the park

We got a new ride last weekend and Grandpa come home from NY so we all went to the park to celebrate.  (p.s. don't we look pretty in the dresses Great Grandma bought us?)

We ran around and played in the grass and dirt and, as Nana said, had a grand old time.  Even Heidi enjoyed herself.  She loves the park because she gets to do her favorite thing in the whole wide world: play with the ball.  We love the swings, the was the best part of being at the park.  We both cried when it was time to get off them and go home.  We did have a good time though.  We got to ride on these things, whatever they are called.

Meanwhile, we are having a lot of fun at home during the day.  We laugh at each other and make each other laugh.  Reading books and playing music consumes a large part of the day, though we do take breaks to make Mommy or Daddy chase us through the kitchen, attempt to eat Heidi's food (or feed it to her) and take the cookbooks off the shelf.  We climb onto the couch and screech with laughter and try to pull the leaves off of Mommy's violet.  Then we do it all over again.

Catherine and Grandpa

Catherine is definitely into making noise.  She talks so much and her inflection sounds just like a sentence, but Mommy and Daddy don't know what either of us are saying.  Catherine also is still kissing people  like Heidi does, with her tongue.  She needs to work on that.  She's beginning to love her stuffed animals, snuggling and hugging them.  She's starting to each like a champ, too!

Samantha and Daddy

Samantha has figured out that velcro is a lot of fun, which means her shoes end up on the floor of the car a lot.  Oh!  I didn't tell you about the car.  It is huge and we have our own seats and music and fans and it is perfect for when we are big kids.  We're going to take it to NY and to the zoo and the beach and we can't wait!  Anyway, Samantha loves to tell Mommy when it is time for a nap and we both know when to go upstairs for naps and baths.  We're getting very good at knowing what Mommy and Daddy want us to do, like go upstairs or come to them or bring them things, or stop doing something, though sometimes we don't want to.  Then we get in trouble.  But, really, we are good little girls.

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