Goodness, it has been a long time since we last posted on here! It seems like we had the girls' birthday, and then it was a mad rush to Easter break. Then, once we got to break, I didn't want to do anything but relax and the blog was pushed to the bottom of the list. So, we're back again to show you what we've been up to.
Samantha is walking everywhere. Really, everywhere! She doesn't want to crawl unless she has to, which isn't very often now because she can stand up on her own without pulling herself up. Catherine, interestingly, learned to do that first, and now she's really starting to try to walk. We thinks she got so jealous of all the attention Samantha got from family at Easter that decided that she needed to walk too. Unfortunately, she wants to get to her destination so quickly that she tries to run, gets about 5 steps, and then falls forward. She's getting better about being slow, taking her time, and pausing to regain her balance, and today she walked all the way down the hall. We are so proud of both of them! (p.s. notice Catherine's duck slippers. We love them because she leaves them on longer than her socks.)
One of the things that has been fun to watch is the girls figuring out their new shoes. They've worn shoes before, but these are designed to help them walk, not fancy patent leather Mary Janes, and they are so cute. The girls at first have to play with them and try to eat them or pull them off, and then they forget about them. It makes Samantha go slower, but I think that is what will help Catherine steady herself. Samantha's are gray with rainbow stitching, and Catherine's are brown and pink with a pink flower.
Chillin' with Daddy |
I couldn't believe that when we went out to dinner with Aunt Marlene, Uncle Bob, Paige, and Conner that both girls were so well behaved. Samantha didn't' fuss or get upset, and she ate pizza. Catherine didn't try to get out of her high hair once, which she always tries to do, and there wasn't a lot of screeching either. They spent a lot of time with their books, and Dave and I had to buy another Eric Carl book because they would fight over the Brown Bear book. Now we have 2 very colorful Eric Carl books in the diaper bag for entertainment purposes, though I have a feeling they will still want what the other one has. We're trying to figure out how to make sure they don't take from each other, any advice would be welcome ;-)
We love playing peek-a-boo! Catherine holds the cloth there forever until she giggles. Samantha does it really quickly. |
Pretty dresses and hair bands. |
Both Catherine and Samantha are working on communication. They both wave all the time now, especially at bed time. They also both give high fives and you can definitely tell when they mean NO! Samantha always makes me laugh because she has such emphatic hand gestures to go with her 'words'. Who would have thought my blondie would be the Italian? Oh, and her hair is starting to curl in the back, I love it!
We had a wonderful time at Easter at Ft. Bragg. I wish we had a better picture of the four of us, well actually, just me. Don't the girls look adorable in their dresses? Thanks to Aunt Marla and her friend for getting these to us.
Great Grandma came down to visit too! |
Catherine loves stuffed animals recently, especially her loveys (we named them Kitty Lou and Kitty Lou 2 for Catie Lou. Samantha's loves are Froggy J and Teddy J for Sammy J).
Samantha has been doing this weird thing when she gets excited, she puts her hands over hear ears or on her cheeks. She used to do it just to be silly, but Dave thought it was so cute that now he has gotten her to imitate you when you do it.
When we got home we let the girls run amuck in the bathroom to help with their diaper rash. Poor things were miserable until they felt better, but they loved to run around without diapers. Naked babies!
I saved the best for last - the pool! My cousins Christine and Eric got this for the girls and it is absolutely outrageous. There is a shell cabana shade, a palm tree, a dolphin to ride, a slide, and a crab and a tower of stars that spurts water. Catherine didn't like the water getting in her face at first, but she got used to it and had a blast once she realized that she could splash just like the bathtub. Samantha liked it right away and walking around squealing and trying to catch the water spouts. This is going to make the unbearable NC summers much easier.
Looking at these pictures makes me so sad that we weren't able to visit! I want to see them before the baby arrives and I'm too exhausted to function :-) We miss you all very much!!