Friday, March 16, 2012

a letter to our daughters

Dear Catherine and Samantha,
Today was your first birthday.  There were so many emotions that we felt coming into this day.  We were excited for you both to reach this milestone, and surprised that it came so quickly.  In the beginning it seemed that one day would last a year, and now a whole year has passed.  We are also so grateful to have you in our lives.  You are so different from each other and now we know why we have twins - because you give us such variety and joy.  If we didn’t have Samantha, we wouldn’t have a baby to give us such sweet smiles and remind us of your Grandma.  If we didn’t have Catherine, we wouldn’t have a baby to challenge us with a gleam in her eye and a ready laugh.  You are your own persons with your own quirks, likes, and personalities, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

We are also so proud of you.  You both had a rough start, Samantha more than Catherine, and had a lot of difficulties.  You were early, you were small, but you were tough little fighters who put up with a lot and now are such happy babies.  We go places and everyone who meets you is so impressed at how well you behave and how cute you are.  

Catherine - you were such a help when Samantha came home, though you probably didn’t know it.  You were able to sit by yourself in your monkey seat and be content to watch Mommy feed Samantha, who had difficulty adjusting to being home.  It was so hard for her to be awake without being held and you were so patient.  Now, you are still great at occupying yourself, and you are very independent, always trying new things, but you play with your sister more and more.  You actually share, without crying or fussing.  You take turns.  We are telling you this now so  you remember in the future that it is possible.  You make us smile and when you give us hugs and kisses, our hearts just melt.  You challenge us, and we can’t wait to see what you’ll do next.

Samantha - you are so tough.  You made it though a difficult and long hospital stay to come home and have a difficult first month there too.  Soon, though, you settled in and became our sweet baby whose smile lights up her face, and ours, too.  You are so intent and focused when you play, working with a toy until you have it all figured out.  And you’re walking!  You seem to try every chance you get to take a step, challenging yourself to do better.  You are amazing.

Our lives have changed so much in the last year.  We have lost some people dear to us, and we know that their prayers from Heaven helped us through the lows in our lives.  Our hope is that you continue to remind us of them, and make us hear their voices as we think of what they would say if they could see you in action.  

Girls, this first year has taught us a lot, what to do and especially what not to do.  Please be patient with us as we continue to learn as you grow and change and become young ladies.  We look forward to all the things you will learn and show us.  We will always love you, and always be proud of you.  You will always be our little girls.

Mommy and Daddy

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