Thursday, March 15, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Can you believe it!  We’re one year old today!  We got so many presents and some are still on the way.  We also get to go shopping, which Aunt Alyssa would say is the best.  Mommy is also very excited about our upcoming shopping trip.  Daddy’s favorite gift was the singing bears from Nana and Grandpa and the old-school telephone from our nanny, Chelsea.  Catherine’s favorite was the fish pond from Nana and Grandpa and Samantha’s is the toy TV remote, which is much better than the real one because it sings.  We also got puzzles and clothes and shoes... we feel very loved.  

We got new hats, which don't fit Catherine and Samantha doesn't like
to wear.  But we both still look cute and that's what counts.

It's like playing in the tub without getting wet!

We got to go to Gymboree!  We are signed up for the next month and are very excited.  Samantha loved the balls, but Catherine just had fun moving around where she was allowed to climb safely.  (Mommy and Daddy don’t let me climb on the tables at home for some reason.)  

After a short nap, we had Carvel birthday cake, so yummy!  Then we went to Duke Gardens, one of Mommy’s favorite places.  She said that she had been thinking about this trip on our birthday since before we were born, so she was very excited to go.  It was very pretty now that it is nice and warm outside and all of the flowers are blooming.

Then we had a relaxing afternoon and evening, just us.  We didn’t get to spend our first day of life with Mommy because we couldn’t leave our room and Mommy couldn’t leave hers.  She really just wanted to have a quiet day with us, so that’s what we did.  We were a family today, all together, and it was great.


  1. I'm so glad that it was exactly as you had hoped, friend. What a special day!

  2. Happy belated birthday to Catherine and Samantha!!
