Monday, August 1, 2011

New experiences

This week we did a lot of new things!  Most importantly, the girls met a lot of Daddy's family.  Cousin Dee and Adrienne got the girls the cutest clothes, including Gamecock clothes (which I'm sure was difficult for the Clemson fans, so thank you).  Adrienne even made a lot of them, including bows and ruffles and tutus.  We are now ready for football season, that's for sure!  Daddy thought it was a little over the top but Mommy thinks it is perfect.

We had a lot of fun going in the swimming pool for the first time too, and we even wore bathing suits and special diapers.  Those diapers made our butts float.  The camera was dead, but we got video.  Daddy says as soon as he figures out how to get stills off of the camcorder he will post some.

Samantha and Aunt Patty had some special time together with a long conversation (Samantha has become SUCH a talker!) and she gave us the cutest musical seahorses.  Aunt Bobby helped Samantha get to sleep and Catherine and Uncle George bonded too.  Then we went to our first restaurant together with everyone, including Cole and Cade, the other set of twins in the family.  It was their first birthday, now we can't wait for ours.

Earlier in the week Daddy taught Samantha how to 'put up her dukes', but Samantha just thought it was silly.  Then Catherine ruined her outfit because her mess didn't fit in her diaper, another first for her and Mommy, though not a good one.  We put on our skunk and bunny outfits again, even though it was 100 degrees outside, just in case we don't fit into them for Halloween.  Samantha was unhappy, but it was hot.  Looking back, perhaps Catherine should have worn the skunk outfit, given what she did to Mommy.

Daddy took these pictures of us one morning because he said it was a 'twin thing'.  Apparently we wake up and stretch similarly, who knew?

But Mommy says the most important thing we did was smile and talk to each other.  It apparently is our first step to bonding as sisters.

So now we go back to hanging out with Mommy and Heidi while Daddy is at work.  Maybe we'll get to go back to the beach when Daddy is on vacation and Mommy hasn't started school yet.  Until next time, keep smiling!

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