Monday, August 15, 2011

Five Months!!! (by Dave)

We've let the girls update the blog and we've even let Heidi give her opinions, so maybe it's time for me to let the world know how I feel.  It's amazing to me how quickly this has come to feel normal.  At first it was very hard and I felt like my world had been turned upside down.  But now it feels like this is how it's always been.  And I love it!

The girls are five months old today.  I am constantly blown away by the way they've grown and learned new things.  I can't even put in to words what I think and feel each morning when they wake up and smile at me.  Maybe I can... I feel like a daddy.  Everything that that word means and all of the things that come with it, that's how I feel.  I always thought that I wanted to have kids, but after Karen and I got married something in my mind changed and I didn't know if it was what I really wanted.  After we found out that Karen was pregnant I had time to prepare myself for what was to come.  I realized that I had buried those feelings because I was enjoying doing whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted - as long as Karen would let me - but they were still there.  And after the girls were born it all came rushing back.  It's one of the things that I wanted more than anything else.  To be a daddy.  That's all we'll say about me, since this is supposed to be mostly about the girls.

  Catherine and Samantha have had some new experiences over the last couple of weeks.  The went swimming in the pool.  This wasn't the first time, but it was the first time we took pictures.  And they loved it.  Their Little Swimmers diapers made their butts float, but other than that everything was great.  And Catherine obviously lovers her bathing suit.

The girls have now been exposed to football.  I know it's only preseason, but they apparently like to sit in my lap and watch.  We'll have to be careful not to turn them in to little couch potatoes.  We'll also have to make sure they learn to cheer for the proper teams.

Samantha is making leaps and bounds in her tummy time skills.  And she is now rolling over, just like her sister.  So far they've only rolled over from their tummies to their backs.  Catherine can come really close to rolling over onto her tummy.  She'll get both of her knees to touch the floor, but can't get her arm out of the way because she's trying to suck her thumb at the same time.  Catherine has even "refused" to do tummy time once.  I kept putting he on her tummy and she would just roll over.  I gave up after four times.  


 One of the reasons that I'm updating the blog this time is because Karen has started back at work and I've been alone with the girls for a few days now.  It's been awesome.  They are such good little babies.  I know that I wouldn't have been able to do what Karen did with them in their first few months home.  She did an amazing job.  And now that their such well adjusted little ladies I'll be taking care of them by myself on my days off and we officially have a nanny for them when we're both at work.  So now it will be a group effort to keep our girls growing and developing.  

So again, happy five months to our girls and we look forward to many more new adventures!


  1. I'm sure if those sweet little ladies could talk they would tell you that they desperately miss their Aunt Heather :-)
    Dave this is such a sweet post! I'm so glad that you're a Daddy. It's always been a blessing to me to watch you play with Hannah and then Sam when he arrived. I could tell from how you interacted with them and how much they love you that you're going to be a great Dad.
    We can't wait to see you next week. Much love to you all!! -Heather

  2. What a sweet post. Good to know everyone is doing well!
