Sunday, May 15, 2011

hanging out

2 months old today!  Nothing new to report except that Samantha hates going down for naps.  We're trying to get her to fall asleep on her own but she doesn't seem to like that (actually she voices her opinion on that quite firmly).  We've had some rough nights because the girls seem to think they should sleep in the morning and be up until 1am or later, but we're working through that as best we can to get them to sleep sooner and longer at night.

Here are some pictures I took just playing around.  Those pink outfits are too big but too cute not to try on.  We put Catherine on the left and Samantha on the right, but they kept rolling away from each other.  We switched them, but they rolled apart again.  Mom said they were like magnets, polar opposites.  Let's hope they at least get along and like each other.

These two pictures we just had to post.  Someone from Dave's job got them Easter outfits and one was that white onesie.  It says 'one of a kind' and has a pink chick with sunglasses.  It is definitely Sam's outfit (as you can see by her hospital picture).  She is a sunglasses, lay out and chill kind of girl (or at least, when she's not attempting to sleep or be changed).  Speaking of which...


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