Friday, April 15, 2011

1 month old and looking up

Whew!  Today had me really worried.  Samantha had a barium study of her GI tract today to see if she had any places that didn't form correctly and were too narrow.  She passed with flying colors and it took a lot less time than they expected.  Then she got to eat for the first time in almost 2 weeks; a whole 3ml.  They are starting her out slow to make sure her GI tract is healed and ready to process food and that is fine with us.

We took Catherine to see Samantha today for their 1 month birthday and it felt so good to see them both together again.  It also taught us how tricky this is going to be when they are both home.  Samantha needed to be changed and Catherine needed to be fed.  Well, did you know that when a little body is given barium for an x-ray study and it comes out the other side it really smells?  Yikes!  Then, as Karen was changing her she shot some more poop across her bed and into the equipment and tubes and the family pictures we had hanging there.  Dave couldn't help because he had Catherine and Karen was stuck trying to clean and catch and get new diapers and wipes.  However, Samantha felt much better, so I guess it was worth it.

So, here are some pictures of Samantha's 3rd first bottle (if that makes sense), and both girls together.  I can't believe how much smaller Catherine is than her sister!


  1. She looks great! It will take some getting used to with the 2 of them together, but just remember that it is ok if they cry for a minute while you tend to the other...of course stinky diapers literally sitnk! You will get into a groove with both them together. it'll be great! You'll see, and any advice I can offer up from my experiences I hope they will help. Love to all

  2. You have two beautiful girls! It's great to hear that Samantha is doing better. We'll keep you guys in our prayers.

  3. I know I shouldn't laugh...but the shooting poop thing is funny. The joys of parenthood! Congratulations, Dave and Karen! :-)
