Saturday, August 11, 2012

One last trip

We've been doing a lot this summer; reading, playing, climbing (that is new), dancing and singing, and making silly faces.  That last one we probably did the most.  Another thing we did a lot was travel.  Here are some pictures from our last trip before school begins.  It won't be our last beach weekend, but it is still a little bitter sweet.

Nana and Grandpa bought them a pool for days when it is too hectic or too crowded to get to the beach.  It has a hippo head that sprays water, which was very exciting.  I'm just proud that Catherine kept her hat on her head.  We worked hard on that, wearing hats around the house all day.  Samantha is still not a big fan.  You can see hers in the water.  Aunt Mary Anne was also still in town so the girls got to play and partake in a lot of silliness with her.  She tried with the hats too, but to no avail.

Catherine became fearless at the beach.  Now she walks around waving at everyone attempting to take shovels from little boys in exchange for seashells.  Then she takes off towards the water, wanting someone to pick her up and take her farther out so the waves can crash and spray on her face.

Here they are taking a break with Daddy, getting some fruit and water before we head up to get changed.  Doesn't Catherine look so dainty?  By the way, if you look closely in the back you can see two turtle nests with the plastic guides for the hatchlings to head to water.  One nest hatched that night!  

Then it was on to South Carolina for a whirlwind tour to Pam and Patrick's to meet Charlie and Maggie.  The Charlie got along very well with the girls, they even shared!  We managed to get some good pictures of the 3 of the little ones, too.

Then, after we made a tornado mess of that house, we moved on to Dave's aunt and uncle's where we stayed so we could visit our new nephew, who is one month old today.  The girls played with their cousins Hannah and Sam, and looked at Amos.  He's not up to playing yet, but I have a feeling that these 3 will be close as they grow older.  We also tried to get some family photos, but it was trickier this time.  Interestingly, Samantha was the most difficult, followed by Catherine.  The least difficult was the youngest.  He was great!

The girls got to experience a lot of new things there, including chickens, horses, and a trampoline.  Catherine had a great time making faces at and feeding blueberries to Uncle Bobby.  I have a feeling that visiting Aunt Heather and Uncle Bobby will be done often in the future.

The best part of the whole trip for me was that Catherine finally has a tooth on the top!  She is now up to 3, maybe I can start feeding her bigger pieces of food.  The girls also got to see Dave's dad and they immediately warmed up to him, laughing and playing peek-a-boo.  It was so great to see them together. And now the summer is drawing to a close, but we will continue to keep you posted on all that the girls are learning and doing.

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