Thursday, August 23, 2012

Learning new things

Blessed to have been able to spend the summer with the girls, I am so amazed at all the things they can do, and how their personalities shine.

Catherine: Oh, our little shrimpy-shrimp!  She really enjoys making people laugh.  Silly faces, races around the house, imitating your stances, playing peek-a-boo, she does it all while watching for your reaction, feeding off of your laughter until she is hysterical too.

Catherine also loves to please.  When you ask her to, she will put clothes away (never mind that she took them out in the first place), close drawers, put away her books, and clean.  Yes, clean.  She takes wipes out of the container and will clean the floor.  One day Samantha was cranky and threw her messy diaper on the floor.  Before I could get her secured and get to it Catherine had taken the clean pajamas off the chair and started cleaning the floor.  Yikes!  Thank you so much for your help, but you are not helping.

Stuffed animals are her new favorite thing.  She loves a bear she has that she's been calling Mmba, taking it with her around the house, holding him while she drinks, asking for him at story time at night.  I loved my stuffed animals, taking as many to bed with me as I could, and it makes me smile to watch her.

Catherine wants to be an adult.  I have the feeling that I'll be telling her to slow down in the future.  She is trying on my shoes and doing a good job of it too, and brings me my shoes to help me put them on.  She spears food with her fork and would rather eat that way no matter how long it takes.  She closes the door, feeds the dog (not my favorite thing), and takes care of Samantha.  When Sam's upset she pats her on the back and brings her a toy or her paci.  At the beach she wiped sand off of Sam's leg.  I'm glad she looks after her sister, but I also hope that she won't be the one dictating their activities in the future.

Samantha: Our girl with the gorgeous curls.  She's been a trooper recently with her eye teeth coming in, but we think she's over the hump.  She also is good at cleaning up, but doesn't get that I mean for those things to stay put.  We're working on it.  Reading is her favorite thing.  She will sit quietly for some time with a book just flipping the pages.  Then she'll come to you to ask you to read it, which means she emphatically points at pictures and you have to tell her what it is.

She is also good at following directions, telling you where she put things, bringing you things, closing things.  She's not happy about doing things she doesn't want to do and hates being told no, but she will do it.  However, there will be some crying and maybe even a small fit with her head on the couch while she watches to see if you are watching here.  Where do they learn these things?  Speaking of which, she learned how to open the child-locks on the lazy susans in the kitchen and then showed Catherine how to do it too!  Fortunately, they decided that once they could get it open they weren't interested in it anymore so I can leave my spices where they are for now.

Samantha is taking ownership of getting dressed.  She tries so hard to do it herself.  She's much better with Dave's shirts for obvious reasons, but she keeps working at it.  She is a very persistent kid, she tries and tries until she gets it.  That goes for figuring out how to climb onto the couch or bed (not my favorite new skill), making the pop up toy work, or stacking cups.  I'm so proud of her when she gets it because I know she really wanted to because she tried.

Together: They babble and I can't believe they aren't talking in full sentences yet. We're slowly adding words I guess, because they say "bye" now to everyone.  I'm amazed that they can follow directions so well and understand so many things we say and ask, but can't say those same words back.

They really like each other!  I am documenting it as much as I can because I know there will be times when they think they will hate each other forever.  At night they give each other hugs and kisses before bed and it makes me melt.

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