Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Stuffed animals

I remember when I was little that I would arrange my pillow in my bed so I could fit all of my favorite stuffed animals in with me.  Kind of a fuzzy, cozy, slumber party.  Now I think Catherine may be on her way.  We have two stuffed Bimbo bears (pronounced Beembo for the Hispanic food company, not bimbo.  Despite what I say Dave will keep yelling at me to pronounce it correctly, though I think I am.) that the sales rep gave Dave.  Catherine loves it!  I think she gives it more kisses than she does to either of us.  Recently, she has become ambitious and is attempting to carry the big Wish Bear around.  She doesn't get more than a few steps before they fall down, but she loves it.

Samantha is becoming more independent while Catherine is becoming less so.  When Heidi barks loudly to alert us that someone is outside, or when we get around new people or places, Catherine wants to be picked up and she clings to me with all 4 limbs like a little monkey.  When I can finally set her down she must be near me for a little longer before she branches out to explore and be her merry, flirty self.  Samantha, on the other hand, has been asking others to pick her up, waving at Walmart employees, and hanging out by herself at home reading books or playing music.  Only when she's hungry or sleepy because she didn't nap will she get clingy.   Samantha is also very free with her kisses recently, which we mostly love, but her mouth is so wide open that we get quite slobbery.
Isn't this face ridiculous!

Well, we've been trying to future out what to do with the girls' hair.  Should we, and really I mean I, grow out their bangs or keep cutting them.  Unfortunately, I think both of them have Dave's horrible hair where it all grows from the back forward.  So I tried out a bunch of styles with bows to see if I liked it or hated it, if the girls' liked it or pulled them out, and if I just felt like those people I don't like who put bows in their girl's hair just so everyone knows that she's a girl.  You can let me know what you think, but I think the last feeling says it all.  I do, however like the headbands.

These above are a definite NO

Holy cow!  They're both smiling!  Take a good look folks, it doesn't get captured on film often.

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