6 Months! How exciting, and how time has flown by! I can't believe we are here. The girls are doing so well, growing and smiling and talking and laughing and moving and teething and I can't wait for more to come. At their check up this week Catherine was 11 lbs 8 oz and 22.5 inches long. Still such a shrimp, our first born, but she's still growing on the same curve and the doctor says she's doing great. She's just little like her mommy was. Samantha, however, is kicking it! 14 lbs 8oz and 24.5 inches long. Everyone assumes she is older because she's bigger. We're still wondering if she'll let Catherine lead and be dominant because she's older or if she'll smack Catherine down because she's bigger. She's gaining on the growth curve, though that may change once she starts crawling and expending more energy. Catherine is moving more on her hands and knees and she doesn't seem to be a good napper so that's another reason why she's small, she's always on the go. The girls get to start real food now and that's a great milestone, and Samantha gets to try regular formal instead of the fancy stuff.
I've been thinking lately, when I found out we were having twins I was so upset. How were we going to manage this? Could I make two babies happy at once, make them feel secure and loved and not left out and ignored? How were we going to pay for all of this? ;-) But now I wouldn't have it any other way. They girls are so different and complimentary. Samantha mostly takes after Dave in looks. She has a shy but beautiful smile that crinkles up her nose, is insistent when it is time to eat, rolls to her left, and is right handed. Catherine has a megawatt smile to match her flirty personality. She could eat, or not, looks like me so much it frightens my family, rolls to her left and is left handed (like Dave). They even have different ways of talking, different pitched voices... They're incredible and I am amazed at how much I love this.
Fashion show! Here are pictures of the girls wearing their track suits and corduroy dresses for church.
The girls love their exersaucers! Doesn't Catherine look so cute with her legs splayed to the side. Her socks were a little slippery, we need more with the grippy bottoms. Samantha is especially great in it because she fits a little better, being bigger (though the little sister).