Wednesday, February 26, 2014

family visits and more snow!

Before you check out the snow images I wanted to catch you up on Sam's latest sleeping escapades.  This time she took off her pants, put on panties (but put 2 legs through 1 leg hole so they were around her waist) then put her pants back on.  Backwards.  Another time she put on another pull-up inside out on top of her pants.  Sigh.  Can't wait for that video camera.

Sliding down the street with Daddy!

Here's our crazy shrimp and her chocolate milk mustache.  She refuses to drink regular milk unless it is warm and in a bottle.  That is no longer acceptable to us, so chocolate silk it is (do NOT call it 'milk'!).  Part of her motivation to drink is so she can be done and look at her pirate mustache in the mirror.  Recently she's also been singing a lot, and has told me that "Sweet Caroline" is "her song" and not Samantha's song.  Yes, she's barely 3 and she has a theme song. 

Doing the twist with Nana and Grandpa to the Beatles.  They are dancing fools!

Catherine with her Godmother, who also happens to be the daughter of my Godmother.  Here's to Aunt Robin and Cousin Christine.  So glad we got together!

Uncle Bobby, Aunt Heather, and cousins Hannah, Samuel, and Amos came to visit and we showed them our new park by the new house.  We also managed to take a family picture with everyone sitting still, I think it is our best attempt yet.

Catherine is flying just like Daddy!

All the girls, including Heidi, attacking Uncle Bobby.

Not a bad bunch, though there's a heck of a lot of blonde hair in there!

Then, Uncle Mike and Aunt Alyssa came on an adventure to visit with cousin Lily, who is only 2 1/2 months old.  They were troopers, squishing into the back of the car to go to the park and birthday shopping.  We were so happy to have them here!

Lily's first time on a swing.

Nana and all her granddaughters.  Next post: turning 3 and a new house, we can't wait!!!!

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