Sunday, February 19, 2012

old friends, new friends

I was so lucky to get Alecia as my roommate freshman year of college.  She introduced me to so many friends and new fun things, and kept me going when times got tough.  Now she's moved nearby and we all got together for a great Saturday.  This is me with Samantha, Micah, Anna K, Catherine on the floor, and Alecia with Abby.  We're looking forward to getting together more often and, hopefully, our kids will be friends (or, as Alecia said, roommates at Carolina!).

 Hello?  Oh, it's Catherine!

Meanwhile, our girls have been working on walking.  Samantha is so good and it seems like she could walk any day, but Nana says she's too chicken to let go and try.  Catherine seems to get along just fine without walking, she's so fast on all fours.  I think one day she'll decide that Samantha is too far ahead of her and she'll just start walking as if she could have done it all along.  The girls like putting the balls into their walker to make it produce sound.  They both like to climb on the walker as well as play in it.  They don't go far because they're still a little short, but they like it, and it plays music.

We're all surprised that Heidi doesn't mind the walker.

So excited!

We are all so excited that Catherine finally has teeth!  Samantha was pulling ahead in so many things, walking better with smaller steps, up to 4 teeth now, and 19lbs 1oz big.  Catherine walks with giant steps and would rather sit and have you swing her from place to place, and she weighs 14lbs 5oz, almost 5lbs between them.  At least Catherine has teeth and can try the same foods, though I'm sure they won't like the same things, just to be difficult.  

Can you see my teeth on the bottom?  Look closely.

It is so hard to see my teeth, but they're there!
Well, Catherine and Heidi are getting along well.  Catherine likes to pet Heidi, and we definitely think that she thinks she's a dog.  She 'woofs' when Heidi barks and plays with her ball, but this latest kissing with her tongue thing is perhaps getting to be too much.  Samantha and Heidi don't get along because Sam grabs and pulls everything, including hair in Heidi's face, tummy, and tail.  Poor Heidi!  I guess that's why Heidi has started chewing Samantha's pacifiers, which often end up on the floor because Samantha's got quite an arm.  Heidi even ate the paci attached to the monkey, so sad!

Stuff like this crazy situation happens a lot.


Aren't these cute?  Catherine makes a new face now that Dave calls her monkey face.  She makes it and goes 'ooo'.  Then Samantha laughs, we laugh, and Catherine laughs.  It makes our evenings so much fun.  We hang out upstairs and play with our toys, throw the ball for Heidi and get ready for bed.

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