Saturday, October 1, 2011

a dog's view

This week, Heidi is writing our blog.

A lot happened this week.  Samantha, who now weighs as much as I do, got to start eating regular baby formula.  Mommy and Daddy are mixing the regular stuff into her old fancy stuff and she seems to be doing well with it.  She's not any crankier or smellier than usual at least.  They also started eating what Daddy called 'real food' but I'm not so sure.  It is weird, kind of mushy, nothing like what I've had before. As I watched them I got so excited because they are so messy.  I thought, 'Some of that has got to drop on the floor and then I've got it made'.  Maybe if they ever start eating good stuff, but I don't like this stuff, and that's saying something.  I think Samantha agrees.  They're not good at swallowing, but it seems to be slowly improving.  Maybe if it taste better...

The girls love their exersaucer and they have learned to play together.  They have two, but Mommy and Daddy leave one upstairs with the bouncy thing that hangs from the door.  They haven't figured out how to bounce yet, so it's not that much fun, but Samantha's working on it. She bounces but I don't think she knows why.

Samantha has been so active!  She rolls across the floor so fast that you have to catch her before she hits something.  We need more pillows, I think. She gets under her swing and can kick her legs and make it move.  Apparently it is very exciting.  Catherine is doing so well eating more food, look at those cheeks!  They look especially big when she pushes out her lower lip and is all pouty.  Daddy is in for it, that's for sure.  She has also been very fascinated with her hands.

Our nanny took us outside a lot this week because the weather hasn't been hot or rainy.  FINALLY!  Don't know why they call it the 'dog days of summer'.  Dog's can't enjoy it.  Anyway, we went outside with blankets and toys and swings and I got to run around the yard.  Not too much though, I have to stay near the babies and protect them.  It is a serious job, you know.  I'm extra careful about people on the sideway across the street and I make sure everyone knows someone is out there.  When people come to the house they are not allowed inside unless it is Nanna and Grandpa, by boyfriend's mommy, our nanny (who is really nice) or if Mommy lets them in.  These babies are my responsibility and I am not going to let anyone down.


We even took naps outside.  Catherine still likes to eat fabric when she's sleepy.  She wraps it around her thumb and sticks it in her mouth.  Mommy says she's going to get hairballs.

Then we had some fun and tried on their Halloween outfits from Uncle Mike and Aunt Alyssa.  (Halloween is my least favorite holiday.  I HATE the doorbell and now, with the babies, I am extra cautious and on the lookout for danger.  Mommy is trying to figure out a way to hide.)  As you can see, Samantha's just fits now, so a month from now it is not going to work.  There may be a shopping trip in the near future.  But isn't she so cute as a skunk?  Little stinker!  Then they got to wear our Carolina Cutie dresses that Nana got them and they look cute.  Go Gamecocks!  Speaking of which, time to watch the game.

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