Saturday, November 26, 2016

Fall 2016

Look at those 3 faces!! We had a quick but fun-filled fall. It amazed us how fast it went by. At first it was a very quick start to the school year. The girls are in Kindergarten and wearing uniforms to school. They love their teachers and had excellent report cards for the first quarter. We are so proud of the progress they are making.

And then we were buying pumpkins! Admittedly, it was a hot day in October, but still, pumpkins all f a sudden. We got 2 regular ones to carve (see my latest efforts below, I was pretty proud of myself!), Jake got a gourd, and then 2 large white ones that each weighed over 40 pounds. 

Cat was Ariel the mermaid princess, Jake was the BB8 droid from Star Wars, and Sam was the Queen of Hearts from Alice and Wonderland. We had a ton of fun at the Halloween carnival, especially Jake, and then we went trick-or-treating at a few houses in our neighborhood. Just enough candy, not too much ;-)


And then there was a hurricane! The wind was not nearly so bad, and though it rained a LOT, it stayed away from our house. Dave and the kids went down to the creek to see how high it was and stomped through ankle-deep water to the bridge into the woods.

Oh Jake! We love this little boy so much, despite all the trouble he gets in to. He knows how to make 'the sad face' and stick out his lower lip and say awwww and then pretend to be all upset with his head down in his hands. It is all an act and we all know it, including the girls, who can't help but laugh at him. He now knows all his letters, colors, and numbers and counts pretty well. He thinks he can read because he likes to point to words on the page as you read them and repeat them. His new favorite thing to do is play basketball. He kept trying to go outside and play so we got him an indoor hoop that hangs down from a door. He also is working on his potty skills, but we have to be careful. He likes his underwear so much he thinks they should be 'outerwear' and he doesn't want to wear pants. We walk fine lines around here sometimes.

Samantha is still our little positive cheerleader. She is doing great in school and has been put into a small advanced reading group. She still sings any chance she gets and always wants to do pretend games, especially if it involves princesses or school. Princesses at school is the best!  We're working on getting her to understand that there is a difference between helping and getting into other people's business, which is hard for a lot of people. She just really wants everyone to be happy because she usually is.

Catherine loves school this year! She enjoys talking about what she's learning and gets excited to show us her work. She's doing very well, too, and is right on track. We just wish she would show us how much she knows like she does at school with her teachers. We're still trying to get her to be more confident at home. Her artwork is amazing and her reading and writing are really coming along because she now wants to put words and stories to what she draws. Her other new hobby has been fixing hair and learning to braid and experiment with clips. It's been interesting around here.

And now my favorite season is coming up, Christmas season. We've already started decorating and took one trip to see Santa already. More to come with lights and presents and the Santa Train and fun times with family.